Happy New Year from Plantimate founder Josh MacPhee . Thank you so much to all our partners and followers for your support throughout 2021. Looking forward to 2022!!

Flat Packed, Vertical Farming Urban Agriculture
Happy New Year from Plantimate founder Josh MacPhee . Thank you so much to all our partners and followers for your support throughout 2021. Looking forward to 2022!!
Sweco is proud to help Plantimate showcase the possibilities and benefits of reclaiming unused built environment space for community-based food production, with an exciting Eco Hub project at COP26. The former industrial sites is being converted into an urban wetland for the benefit of residents and visitors during, and many years after, COP26.
For more information check out the: https://www.sweco.co.uk/insights/news/plantimate-vertical-farm-project/
SolarisKit Ltd has landed! We received the two solar heating units that take free energy from the sun and turn them into storable heat! Plantimate will be showing how these can provide off grid heating to the growing unit to improve plant growth. During COP26 – UN Climate Change Conference at the Blue Green Glasgow Project site.
Flat packed, affordable and easy to use; design values shared by SolarisKit Ltd and Plantimate.
#solariskit #verticalfarming #solarpower #climatechange
Plantimate was honoured to be invited to Malmö University in Sweden to discuss with the students the positive environmental and socioeconomic impact urban agriculture can provide. Looking forward to seeing the design solutions they create at the end of their course. Inspiring to see their development and aspirations!!
Plantimate is delighted to be collaborating with the Cyrenians and Social Bite and their community farm on the edge of the city and their inner city transitional housing development in Edinburgh. Check out this link to learn more!
#plantimate #cyrenians #socialbite #foodsecurity #urbanagriculture #endhomlessness
The Plantimate food prototype successfully completed its wind and rain durability tests on the coast of the North Sea in Scotland. Growing radish and pea microgreens over the course of two weeks with winds reaching 20mph. The team is looking forward to the next step of testing in inner cities and its urban agriculture capabilities!