our vision
We believe that sustainably and locally produced food should be accessible to all without burdening our planet. Urban agriculture and vertical farming can play a key role.
the opportunity
An increase in urban populations and worsening climate conditions create an ideal case for growing food within cities in an energy and spatially efficient manner.
our goals
Our goal is to lower the financial and technical barrier to entry into urban agriculture. By i) reducing carbon in the food value chain ii) reducing cost of good food iii) improving the end user experience by using a human centered design process.

who we are
We are a team of designers and builders with a love for horticulture, food, engineering and sustainability. We believe urban agriculture can address several of the nutrition and environmental challenges facing today’s societies.

Josh MacPhee is the Founder of Plantimate ™. An architect and urban designer by profession with built projects in Europe, The United States, China and Abu Dhabi. Food security and the UN Sustainability Goals within our built environment are key areas of his work.
In addition, Plantimate ™ “patent pending” technology is supported by a selection of like minded companies including Sensational Systems (IOT and electrical engineering), Solariskit (flat packed passive solar heating).

We believe sustainability needs to be addressed from the triple bottom line with the social, economic and environmental impact working in unison to deliver the biggest benefit. Plantimate ™ addresses environmental sustainability by reducing the carbon foot print and waste within the food value chain. It address social sustainability by providing awareness building, skills training and the enhancement of the urban environments in which it operates. It provides economic sustainability by reducing the cost of locally produced food and the means in which to grow it.
SDG03 (good health and well being) SDG08 (decent work and economic growth) SDG09 (industry, innovation and infrastructure) SDG11 (sustainable cities and communities) SDG12 (responsible consumption and production)

Plantimate ™ was created out of a love for design, engineering, food, nutrition and nature based solutions. It is the embodiment of several years of trial and error and adjustments that try to respond to the rapidly changing condition of our societies and environment. This has included responses to refugees crises created from both human made or natural disasters. It has responded to the need for greater food security and carbon reduction within our urban environments. It has responded to the unexpected emergence and impact of the COVID 19 crisis and the unprecedented stress that it put on physical supply chains and mental health our communities….
These are a few of the challenges that have shaped Plantimate ™ along its journey and story. There will be more and whatever they maybe we will continue to aspire to do our part in making a positive impact and contribution.
- 75% of land world side is used for agriculture.
- 25 billion tons of fertile soil is being lost each year.
- Over 70% of our fresh water usage is for agriculture.
- Food production accounts for 25% of human carbon emissions globally.
- Food insecurity set to deepen in the coming years with climate change and population growth.
- 68% of world population to live in cities by 2050.
- Food production will need to increase by 50% to feed the world population of 2050.
- 21% of restaurant food waste comes from spoilage.
- 56% of European farmers believe consumers will demand more sustainably produced food.
- 70% EU consumers value local food for environmental local business support reasons.
- 400% increase of locally produced food sales in the US since 2008.
- Value of the vertical farming industry expected to grow to £8 billion by 2025.
- Helps to comply with legal requirement to reduce commercial carbon footprint.
(source: corteva agrscience)