Permaculture and Food Growing in the Arctic Circle

Check out this great project:  Polar Permaculture is bringing fresh food and permaculture to the harsh climate of Svalbard in the Arctic Circle.  At Plantimate we believe that improving the ability to grow food in some of the world’s harshest environments is essential if access to healthy food for as many people as possible is to be realised. This project is a great example of such an effort:

“On Svalbard, the soil is extremely poor and unsuited for growing food, so if it were not for the worms and compost, soil would literally have to be shipped in.”

permaculture dome

Informal Settlements in Sao Paulo

Check out this article and the aspiration to legitimise informal settlements: reignited debate about whether urban development should aim at gentrification or helping the growing ranks of people forced to live on the street and in the periphery.

We at Plantimate have been involved in research regarding a partnership between business and informal settlements in Sao Paulo and where collaboration on both sides may be found. Check it out here.

urban agriculture sao paulo